SCLC Convention 2024
Workshops (August 10, 2024)
Workshops (August 10, 2024)

Workshops (August 10, 2024)


Be a part of the Workshops at the 65th SCLC Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, August 10, 2024!

The opening ceremony for the 65th SCLC Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, promises to be a spectacular affair, drawing together leaders and activists from across the nation. Attendees eagerly anticipate the stirring speeches and performances that will mark the beginning of this historic event. As the dignitaries gather on stage, anticipation fills the air, setting the stage for a momentous occasion. The ceremony is expected to pay homage to the organization’s legacy while also addressing pressing issues facing society today. With its blend of tradition and innovation, the opening ceremony sets the tone for a convention filled with inspiration and activism.

SCLC 65th Annual Convention

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